
ESSARtech Consulting & Waterproofing Services Private Limited (ECWSPL) consults, guides and executes customized, innovative, easy-to-implement, reliable modern range of waterproofing solutions.

ESSARtech™ was born out of the necessity of filling up the gap of a world class, thorough professional and an ethics driven company in the waterproofing industry. Though not a new concept; however, delivering the science as well as the art of waterproofing by ESSARtech™ is surely a new emergence in this industry which is characterized as being one of the most unorganized sectors with plethora of players and tall claims but poor on deliverables. We have seen most of the players in this industry are neither responsive nor synced in with requirements of the client.

We at ESSARtech™ sought to be the differentiator. While others chose to have standard set of products and processes applied in any or all scenarios; our effort is to first demonstrate to our clients, in no uncertain terms, the science behind a particular approach and/or choice of products. This is the area where our expertise lies in. With background in Chemical and Civil Engineering, and access to Structural Engineers and Hydrogeologists on our payroll, we are able to conduct a comprehensive study of any situation and share the results with our clients. Our approach has never been just to propose a solution, rather we share the foundation and reasoning behind such proposals in great detail. Our academic background gives us an edge in product selection and solution design unlike other run-of-the mill service providers.

And then ESSARtech's art of waterproofing takes care of the rest. Yes!!! Customized solution is our USP. Our Quality Assurance, Confidence and Apt pricing model breeds from our in depth working in this field for more than a decade where we have met and successfully executed many waterproofing challenges pan India. We do understand that at times, not all solutions can meet budgetary estimates but our endeavor is to provide best possible solution with highest ROI.

The GGCS Of Waterproofing

For any techno-commercial proposal we primarily consider the GGCS
  • 1. Topography & Atmospheric conditions of the place
    • Geology - The science which deals with the physical structure and substance of the earth and the processes which act on them. This includes study of just about any feature of the earth (volcanoes, earthquakes, rocks, mountains and the oceans etc.) and the study of environmental effects of pollution (air, water, land, sound).
    • Geography - The study of the physical features of the earth (site) and its atmosphere, and of human activity (such as construction) as it affects and is affected by these.
  • 2. Chemistry - Surface to be treated and its physical/chemical properties.
  • 3. State - Physical condition of the area/structure to be treated. Our emphasis on each of the above aspects is very strong and it enables us to identify the root causes and develop solutions that are customized, long term, and environment friendly while and after execution.
Our emphasis on each of the above aspects is very strong and it enables us to identify the root causes and develop solutions that are customized, long term, and environment friendly while and after execution.